Residential Kitchen Projects

Design Service
Welcome to the YLG design gallery of luxury kitchen designs. The team are incredibly grateful to have worked with so many clients through the YLG Design Services. As part of this service, the design team have created hundreds of photo realistic images of new kitchen designs. The website keeps updating our new projects.

Critically important to the success of each project is a close collaboration between client and the YLG Kitchens team. Once clearly briefed, graph paper drawings and photo quality illustrations are created showing how the proposed joinery integrates with the surrounding space. Architecturally accurate, the plans and images are further refined in consultation with YLG interior designer. Decisions are made regarding colours, materials and textures and often side trips are made to inspect slabs of stone or raw timbers.

Going against the mass production trend, every custom kitchen & joinery project is locally produced and manufactured in response to the desires and instructions of individual clients.
Sourcing the best joinery hardware from Europe and New Zealand specialist manufacturers and using the same Auckland based stone mason and electrical contractor is quietly reassuring. Industry knowledge and contacts garnered over years of working closely with leading architects, builders and specifiers has greatly expanded YLGs’ ability to satisfy very complex briefs.